Home Gardening: A Day in the Life

It is clearly my time of the day, a cool calm encouraged by the gradual looming threat of rain to a particularly dry season. Mornings wake me up with zesty enthusiasm and a new quest for discovery.

My current notable trails are:

1.       Passion Fruit shade

2.       The Moringa Kickstarter

3.       A Grape New Tea

4.       Project Build: Pool Afternoons

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Gordon Alert
The Help of a Story

There is a built-in intimacy and partnership between plants and those who tend to them. Clearly the design is out of this world. This relationship has often been taken for granted or simply lost in the commonly held view of today’s youth that food comes from the supermarket. Plants provide benefits to their hosts so that their seed could be disseminated. 

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Gordon Alert
Digging for Treasure

It was ages ago (as Zakyla would say), when a skinnier version of me in my late teens, climbed up a hill in Santa Cruz to dig yams. I hailed from the yam country of Jamaica, yet paradoxically my first encounter with digging was in Trinidad. I followed a dried-up vine trail in the parched vegetation of the Northern range and after much patient clearing unearthed white yams aplenty that quickly filled my knapsack. 

Fast forward 24 years. Twenty-four years!!!! 

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Gordon Alert
A Patient Reward

Growing our own food is a tedious effort that is not for the faint of heart.  But the rewards can be unparalleled!  I feel like we have planted more "leftover" pineapple heads that I care to count, and just when I was giving up hope of ever seeing a fruit before grandchildren come to visit (our kids our 10 and 12 right now, haha) - Hope Springs!  We have a little budding pine coming through.  Woot woot!

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Gordon Alert
Home Gardening - It's a Journey!

We started our home garden in late 2015 (about a year and a half ago). Our first crops were lettuce of different colours and an attempt at kale. Basil was added: a purple and large green leafed type and they exploded in huge plants and our next big hit was born. Everyone was buying fresh basil and it ignited market bags with a sense of adventure and infused one with the urge to cook. Simple meals like breakfast eggs were transformed into gourmet wonders of tantalizing flavor: not overpowering but distinctly pleasant.

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Gordon Alert
Practice Makes Perfect

Fresco Life has undoubtedly been a process of discovery for our family.  I admit, for many years I believed that making consistent healthy choices for myself (and moreso on a family level with varying tastes and limited time) was a difficult and onerous task.  I probably put it next to impossible, especially if the word “consistent” was thrown in. 

But I know now the balance of truth:  everything has a learning curve, every preparation takes skill and persistence to master.

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Gordon Alert
Gluten Freedom and this Fresco Life

Over the past several months I have had the honour of hearing from so many people, how our services have assisted them in changing their lives. This is great but what all our community is seeing today has come from a genuine process within the core families of Fresco Life.

We are a normal, everyday family with kids, committed to several activities with them, in demanding jobs, and having real challenges to deliver healthy meals to our table with consistency and within budget. What I share about our process comes from the genuine struggle that still continues. Only this time we are winning.

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Gordon Alert
The Value of a Fresco Life Market Bag

Fresh vegetables and healthy eating has been cast under a shadow of being expensive or unsustainable. We believe that there must be a way for our families to eat fresh and very affordably. We challenged ourselves to come up with a mix of market items for $100 that would put flight to that idea.

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Gordon Alert